Episode 57: Chris Maguren

Kicking off season 5 of Your Spiritual Journey, Maori Chris Maguren, Dr. Bob's son-in-law, explains many of the Maori spiritual rituals that date back centuries in Aotearoa ("the long white cloud" or New Zealand). We gain an understanding of the welcoming ceremony "powhiri," the tribe "iwi," and the "kapa haka" - ceremonial song, dance and chanting (think Ted Lasso's victory dance). Chris discusses his "iwi" and their "marae" (meeting grounds) and their "wharenui" (meeting house) with a structure that represents the "amo" (the body of their primordal ancestor). YouTubers will also get a look at his traditional tattoos. We also get some insight into the life of an animator with his freelance projects and work at the animation studio, Mukpuddy


Episode 58: Mike Glaspie


Episode 56: Laura Budde