Episode 86: Carole Obley
Acclaimed spiritual medium and popular author Carole J. Obley has been the bridge between heaven and earth in more than 15,000 group and individual readings. Names, descriptions of loved ones' personalities, and uncanny, validating details— as well as grief support and teachings about the afterlife— are typically delivered in her sessions.
An advanced intuitive, Carole also regularly delivers specific, practical guidance in readings about a wide variety of life issues, including relationships, business and spirituality. She is recognized by clients for bringing compassion and integrity to mediumship via her sincere intent to be of service to others.
Carole has been a guest on Coast to Coast radio show numerous times, as well as other media, where she offers interviews and live on-air readings. In addition to maintaining a private practice in mediumship nationally, she presents seminars and workshops in person and through online teachings. Carole has taught many workshops at Lilydale, N.Y., the largest U.S. center for Spiritualism. Her previous four books have been well received by a reading audience worldwide.