Episode 103: Jessica Grecco
Jessica Grecco is an evidential Medium from the Greater Pittsburgh area. She currently resides in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania and is originally from a small town called Clymer in Indiana County. Jessica holds many certifications in the holistic and metaphysical realm. Having studied at the Dr Lillian Ronzio School of Holistic Health. Jessica is a Reiki Practitioner, Chakra and Energy Healer, and has studied in Aromatherapy and Reflexology.
Jessica founded the Soul of Light Academy in 2021, teaching online metaphysical classes. She then focused solely on readings and building her clientele. Changing everything over to the Jessica Grecco LLC. She travels and does readings and shows on small and large scales. She also does private readings with Mediumship and Tarot cards. As well as home parties, Paranormal Investigations, and House Blessings.
Jessica also partnered with Starfelt Creation Productions out of West Newton, Pennsylvania to create a docu series about her paranormal cases, readings and shows titled, Life As A Medium; The Veil Between Us. You can find the episodes on YouTube, Tik Tok and Facebook.
Episode 92: Tracy Searight
Tracy Searight is the owner of Feather Sister LLC, a place where you can find online Reiki practitioners. She is also a Yoga instructor, Yoga trainer, Reiki Master Teacher, Money Reiki Grandmaster, a charm reader, card reader, author and podcaster. Cosmic Kid Yoga and animal Reiki are two of her specialties. Her Ready Set Reiki podcast featured your host, Bob Dove earlier this year.
Episode 65: Nicki Ojeda
Growing up in a restrictive Southern Baptist environment, Nicki Ojeda suppressed her psychic gifts for many years. At age 15 she met her mentor, working for her at an herbal shop that also sold Tarot cards, scented oils and other new age items. In this episode she discusses her Wiccan background, reincarnation and past lives, light workers, somatic practices, the I-Ching, Carl Jung and Plato. She also does a 3-card Tarot reading for your host. Her journey from her Southern Baptist roots to holistic witch is a fascinating one.